Saturday, February 12, 2011

Nudity in Art

I have read a discussion on Facebook and even had one myself with a Christian about nudity in art. I have heard both sides of the discussion- that nudity is OK and not OK in art. I haven't really thought about this much until I heard Todd Friel talking about this week.

I am not going to go in depth with this, but I do believe nudity is not necessary nor should be permitted in art from a Christian perspective. I can't tell the world what to do or change its views, and I don't expect to.

In the beginning, before sin entered the world, Adam and Eve "were both naked and were not ashamed," (Genesis 2:25). What happened next in chapter 3? Eve is tempted by the serpent, ate the forbidden fruit and gave some to her husband to eat. Genesis 3:7 says, "Then the eyes of both were opened, and they knew that they were naked. And they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loincloths."

Clearly, they both knew they sinned and they knew being naked was something to be ashamed of. If you don't think so, just read the rest of chapter 3 and see God's response to their action.

Outside of marriage (1 Corinthians 7:2-7), Scripture clearly shows nudity is something to be ashamed of. There is no "exception rule" for art- and anyone saying there is, is shaking a fist at God.

I'm not saying the human body is something to be ashamed of- hardly- "But because of the temptation to sexual immorality, each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband," (1 Corinthians 7:2). That's where God draws the line.

Actually, this is just like the Garden of Eden all over. God has given us an entire world to use as inspiration as art, and we want the one thing God has told us to stay away from.


  1. I used to be a graphic arts artist and a Fine Arts artist till now and at school we did have a subject(two semesters of figure art drawing and painting)and some photography classes too.I do illustration drawings and to be able to draw proportioned body parts we have to be able to copy it from a nude body then later draw on it coverings(clothings).I used a wooden doll with movable arms,legs and head to do mine instead of using a book whichs has actual nude photos(you can find this in Michaels or art supply shops).Although I still draw and illustrate but don't use the nude human approach,I use the wooden doll approach cause I have been a Sunday school teacher for a long time.And when ask about nudity,I don't have a problem with it,I've been to the hinterlands where nudity is not a problem and sinfull(native tribes)but they do dress up for Sunday services.It's how your mind undresses a dressed person that is sin.So dressed up or nude it's how it turns you on sexually that makes you sin.As an artist and for most of us who are illustrators we don't look at nude to play sex in our minds but just use to illustrate the beauty of Gods creation in a good wholesome way(to mature audiences only).But to correct you just in case,I don't paint or draw nudes,I may be drawing undressed male and female bodies but for medical illustrations only,no erotic poses.

  2. The fact that you don't have a problem with nudity in art is irrelevant- it is what God says that matters. There are a lot of professing Christians who have no problem with homosexuality, even though God says it is sin. It is not what you think or feel, it is what God says that matters.

    This comment strikes me as odd: "Although I still draw and illustrate but don't use the nude human approach,I use the wooden doll approach cause I have been a Sunday school teacher for a long time."

    If you weren't a Sunday school teacher, are you saying things would be different?

    I am a photographer myself and still say nudity in art is wrong. The fact that you say I wouldn't be lusting in my mind at nude subjects is again irrelevant- God said nudity is something to be ashamed of. Who are we to play God? That is breaking the second commandment.

  3. What and where did God said about nudity in the Bible.I don't have to go lengths about nudity and seems that you are getting out of the word so to speak.There are cultures where I came from that people don't have a problem with nudity and should you judge them as sinful? Althought they are taught by the missionaries to dress up properly and which they did,but are they sinning?.Show me in the scriptures where God says nudity is a sin?I can not say I am a scholar of the scripture but I know that how you think and do is what makes it a sin.So even someone is clothed if you undress him or her in your mind-that is sin,even when thinking of murdering someone in your mind-you have already committed sin.If I weren't a Sunday School teacher?I still wouldn't do what you just concluded"things would be different?".What is odd about using a wooden doll for my model,have you seen one?I do love photography but I never agreed that nudity in photography is okay.My goodness you are soo out from Gods word,you are adding words to the scriptures that wasn't there.The second commandment says"You shall have no other gods before Me..".What is this word you always use"irrelevant"?,your answers are the ones that are irrelevant.Yes I said that you shouldn't be lusting in your mind when you look at nude subjects-why do you you have to look at them anyway?If you seek only God,only him should you find.I don't seek worldly things I seek God so as a dead body that doesn't respond to any surrounding him and only respond to godliness.My mind is that way,dead to sin and I don't go out looking and seeking nudes that it may corrupt my mind and should respond to it and even notice it.You'll find nudes when you look and seek for them.We live in the devils territory my friend and the sights and sounds of sin is all around us,and it's up to us if we just point accusing fingers at our brothers/sisters that way the enemy is winning,but if we let Christ be seen in our lives His gospel is moving forward.What matters to God is our relationship with Him,not on how we are dressed or how we look .And he didn't command us to go pointing fingers and say that people are guilty.We are commanded to spread the Gospel.Don't be like the Pharisees who accuses as you are doing right now.

  4. The following Scriptures talk about nudity and its shamefulness:

    Genesis 9:21; Exodus 20:26; 32:25; 2 Chronicles 28:19; Isaiah 47:3; Ezekiel 16:35-36; Luke 8:27; Revelation 3:17; 16:15; 17:16

    I don't think I clarified myself initially and have modified my words. The sin Adam and Eve committed was eating the apple. Their eyes were opened after they ate the apple and they realized their nakedness and were ashamed of it. Scripture doesn't call their nakedness sin.

    My question is this, though- if nakedness is shameful, why would we want to have it in our art? Just because we don't think it is shameful is irrelevant- Scripture says it is.

  5. But Adam and Eve were created nude. If they had never eaten of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, they would have remained sinless and NUDE in the Garden forever. Are you saying God created them in a shameful state? I think you've misread this.
    The 'shame' of their nudity wasn't in being NAKED, it was in being aware that they WERE NAKED...and that there could be such a thing as 'shame'....before the tree, they knew not of sin, or shame, or anything that wasn't GOOD. So, before the tree, before the apple, nudity and nakedness was nothing to be ashamed of. The knowledge of good and evil is what did it. SO, like the other commentor has said, the SIN comes in the intent.

  6. It is more than the intent. To use your words, "The knowledge of good and evil is what did it."

    BINGO. Once they did "it" (ate the apple), THEN their eyes were opened. We are now living POST that event.

    I don't disagree that BEFORE the fall they were perfectly OK naked. The problem is, we are living AFTER the fall.

    The Bible says their eyes were opened after they ate and God showed them it was shameful to be naked. You don't get to set the rules- God does.

    You can in no way say God created humans shameful. Before the fall, you are right, they were naked and everything was fine. God created Adam and Eve in a perfect state BEFORE the fall.

    It is through man that sin entered the world. THEN the problems started. Adam had a choice to make- remain in paradise or get knowledge. He chose the latter.
