Sunday, November 15, 2009

A Conversation with Daniel and Mirena- 11/15/09

Today, I went back to Downtown Lakewood and initially stood at the intersection of Elmwood and Detroit. I arrived around 2:30 and at 3:00, John, an elder from church, joined me. We stayed until 5:00.

John wanted to pass out tracts, so we walked along the sidewalk on the south side of Detroit to Warren, crossed over to the north side, and came back to my original spot. When we got back to my original spot, John got involved in a conversation with a man named Daron and I got involved in a conversation with a man named Daniel.

Daniel is a Roman Catholic and he and I got into a conversation over apologetics. I ended up talking to Daniel for a little over 30 minutes and our conversation ultimately went no where- he wasn't changing his views and I wasn't changing mine. I need to remember not to get involved in conversations like this and just say to people that I am out here to spread the good news of the Gospel- that Jesus Christ died for our sins and whoever repents and places their trust in Him will have eternal life.

As John and I were about to leave, a young woman asked what my cross was about. Her name was Mirena (if you are reading this and I misspelled your name, please notify me of the correct spelling). She referred to this country as a "capitalist police state" that she lives in. She told us she is majoring in sustainability.

I do not know what college she is going to, but Baldwin Wallace has as Sustainability Major that resembles what she was describing. John tried to stay on a discussion about the Law, but our conversation was going off on many different tangents, including a discussion about if God exists, Jesus feeding the poor, different religions, and hypocritical Christians. I had to get going, so I cut the conversation off and gave her my email address and this blog address and asked her to email me to further the discussion.

A lot of people are starting to look up this blog on Google and someone left a comment on one of my other blog posts: "i think it is rude of you to come to my city. you can feel free to believe in god but i do not want my children exposed to it. i can keep the t.v. off if they are saying things i do not like but i can't turn off crazies with sandwich boards."

God exists and the only way to salvation is through His Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus commands all of us to go into all creation and spread the Gospel. Repent and trust in the Savior today!

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