Thursday, August 20, 2009

A Busy Intersection in Westlake

Today I went out to a busy intersection in Westlake nearby where I live. I know the picture isn't a perfect panorama (I didn't have my camera with me or a tripod- I have a variety of lens for my camera, included a wider angle lens than my wife's point and shoot), but here is a shot of the intersection:

I checked the clock on my phone once I arrived at my spot and it was 12:09- lunch time. Aside from the noise of all the cars, vans, and trucks, it was a pretty quiet day. I took my Bible this time and tracks to hand out. I tried giving out two tracks to people walking by, but they refused. The other people who came by were on bikes and were either moving too fast to offer them anything or on one of the other corners of the intersection. A man yelled out to me, "Are you ready to rock and roll?"

I was trying to get myself to quote Mark 1:15 (which is what the base of my cross says [not the actual verse though]), but I kept chickening out. Most people had their windows rolled up. There was about a second where traffic in all four directions had a red stop light, and I was going to quote the verse. I tried saying it to myself once, and it seemed like a tight squeeze to get in.

Tomorrow, I am supposed to be joined by an elder from church and he told me to pick an intersection for us to go to. It will be his first time out with a cross, and I think we will take turns holding it while the other preaches or hands out tracts (although I am not sure how many tracts, if any, we will be able to hand out at intersections).

Yesterday was my first day on the streets with the cross in Lakewood. Lakewood is a lot different than Westlake. Westlake is more spread out- there are approximately 31,700 people living in the city over an area of 15.9 square miles.

Lakewood, on the other hand, has approximately 54,700 people living in it over an inhabitable area of 5.6 square miles (total 6.7 square miles, 1.1 square miles being water). Wikipedia states the population density is 9,957.3/sq mile, making it more densely populated than both Los Angeles, California and Toronto, Ontario. It is, in fact, the most densely populated city between New York and Chicago. Just as a general observation, more people walk the streets in Lakewood, where parking can be a premium in certain places. It seems like it would be a good fishing pond.

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