Monday, August 10, 2009

A Quiet, Hot Day

Weather in Cleveland has been really mild this summer, and we got out first real dose of heat yesterday (above 90 with a heat advisory) and today is in the upper 80's and muggy. The forecast is calling for thunderstorms later today, but when I went out with my cross today, it was mostly sunny.

I went to my first stop (I don't want to call it my usual spot because this is only the third time I've been there) or Cahoon Memorial Park in Bay Village with some water because of the heat. I got a couple of greetings from people on the exercise track, but no one interacted with me today, although the cross did garner a lot of looks from people passing by on Lake road. There were some really good gusts of wind, and had I not held on to my cross, it definitely would have taken off.

I did get this idea while I was sitting there: put "ASK ME" above "ARE YOU READY?" I would like to use the cross as a conversation starter, but not many people seem to be responding to the question "Are you ready?"

When I was at a street corner with my pastor, I noticed that people tend to look at the sign longer when they are stopped at a red light. I'm hoping, if nothing else, that will at least prompt people to ask me the question and while I may not be able to witness to them there, I can give them a gospel tract.

Coming back, I couldn't help but notice the shadow that my cross cast:

1 comment:

  1. Patience, my friend. :-)

    I've had my cross out every day for about a month, now. While I don't have conversations with people every day I'm out, the Lord has blessed me with several extraordinary encounters.

    Remember, results do not determine the effectiveness of evangelism. Obedience and love are the determining factors. The only time we fail in evangelism is when we fail to evangelize. :-)

    Don't quit! :-)
