Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Dover Center and Detroit in Westlake

I decided to go out for a second time today around 3 o'clock until right around 5 o'clock. My neighbor and someone with her had just arrived home and were getting out of their car. They noticed my sign and asked me about it. I was able to talk a little bit about the gospel and my testimony and I gave each of them a gospel tract.

After this, I headed over to Dover Center and Detroit in Westlake- traffic was starting to really pick up. I did not realize it, but today was the first day of school for Westlake and there were a lot of school buses passing by this intersection. The students on these buses appeared to be elementary school aged. Most of their eyes were glued to my cross as the buses drove by.

A man named Berry pulled up and asked me what church I was affiliated with. I told him I was just trying to spread the gospel but I also told him the church I attended. Turns out he knows my pastor. He said he looked up the Scripture passage that I had on my cross but read something about baptism- he read Mark 1:5, not Mark 1:15. I told him what Mark 1:15 said and we had a brief chat.

Another man pulled up and asked if I had any pamphlets. I gave him a gospel tract and it turns out he was looking for a church in the area. I directed him to my church's website and told him to check out the resources available on it.

One man inquired about my cross but when I tried to give him a gospel tract, he refused. He said he doesn't read the Bible. I tried to get him to accept my offer of the tract, but he didn't want it.

A passenger in a car that drove by yelled out to me, "Ready for what?" and I stuttered for a second in thought and by that time, she was beyond the reach of my voice. If people driving by do ask me that, I think I am going to encourage them to pull over and come to talk to me.

I can see the lip movements of people as they pass by as they read my cross. We think people have heard the message, but I don't think they have. If they have heard a message, it is often times the wrong message. For example, I asked a girl yesterday and she had told me she was baptized. While we are commanded to be baptized, the act in and of itself has no saving value. If I ask someone, "Are you going to heaven?" and they say, "I hope so," I can guarantee you they aren't saved. If one is truly born again, they will know their salvation is secure.

I was able to hand out about ten gospel tracts at this intersection today, in addition to the one I handed out earlier today to someone at a different intersection. Today was the first time I was visually assaulted. Someone driving by honked their horn to get my attention and then flicked me off. That person is entitled to their free speech just as much as I am, as long as it doesn't escalate beyond that.

1 comment:

  1. Ten tracts is ten people who now have at least a portion of the Gospel in their hands, and a seed sown. It gets rough on the streets sometimes, you know this as well as I do. But you are called to serve, just as I am, I can think of no higher calling on this earth. Just remember that when the heathen get mouthy. May God bless you and your ministry. Keep fighting the good fight brother! Shane
