Yesterday I joined my pastor at Lakewood Park for open air preaching. After he had read Scripture and preached, I read Matthew 5. After that, I headed to Cahoon Memorial Park in Bay Village.

Yesterday was my second day alone with my cross. Previously, my pastor and I had stood once on two separate street corners with it, the second time he had his own with him. I went to Cahoon Memorial Park in Bay Village around noon and stayed for about an hour. Thursday was my first day alone with it at the same park, and it was a quiet first day. The cross is just over 4 feet tall and about 2 feet wide, with about 7 inch lettering on it.
Yesterday, a younger lady asked me about my cross. She proceeded to tell me that she attended a Catholic church, and I asked if she thought she was going to heaven. I asked her if she had kept the ten commandments, and she said she tried to. I tried to go into the law with her, and she quickly told me she goes to confession. I tried telling her confession was merely admission of guilt, but she clearly did not want to talk about her beliefs. She did mention repenting to me, but she told me she also believed in the Saints. I tried to give her a gospel tract but she wouldn't take it. I hope to see her again sometime and hope we will be able to talk again.
Another man walked by me and asked, "For Santa or the Easter Bunny?" His remark was in reference to the question displayed on my cross, "ARE YOU READY?" I quickly said "Christ!" but he just kept on walking.
I noticed someone riding a bicycle yelling as he rode past me (across the street from the park), but I wasn't sure if it was directed at me. A few moments later he was yelling again, but I paid no attention to him. About 30 seconds to a minute later, the car alarm on my car started to go off (it is the factory installed alarm on my car- it's not something I put in myself). I had to walk back to my car to turn off the alarm. I do not know if the two events are related, but it just seemed like quite a coincidence. I had a smaller cross visible in the front seat of my car that I try to display while driving, so I'm not sure if that someone saw the cross and tried to tamper with my car.
I did get two passing honks in support of what I was doing, one from a city garbage truck driver. I noticed two police cars drive by the park while I was there, so hopefully that means the police will not disturb me. I hope to start reading from the Bible at this park soon, which will hopefully lead into street light preaching at other intersections.
I had wanted to go out alone with my cross, but I couldn't find the courage to do it. I finally just made myself go out on Thursday and it was quite uneventful and boring. I found myself wanting to have witnessing conversations, but no one commented on my cross. Yesterday, I had a brief conversation, the quick remark about Santa or the Easter Bunny, and my car alarm going off.
This was only the second day I went out alone, but the parable of the tenants came to my mind: "For to everyone who has will more be given, and he will have an abundance. But from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away." The first day had no interactions, but the second day did. I think the Lord just wanted to see if I would be faithful and continue, and then He will give me more. I pray God will allow me to have more interactions as I continue.
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