Friday, October 2, 2009

Pro-Choice is Pro-Murder, Even if the Government Lets You

I want you to watch the following video before reading my blog post:

The preceding video was from an actual abortion of a 12 week fetus. I don't know how any one can watch this video and tell me that is not a human being. My heart broke after seeing this baby, who was in the womb sucking it's thumb at the time, was murdered. You can actually see the baby "scream" for it's life. Not only is it murder, it is cruel and unusual punishment. The baby in the womb was ripped apart by a suction device and the head was crushed once the body was torn away from it.

"Pro-Choice" should be called what it is- "Pro-Abortion," or better yet, "Pro-Murder." A lot of people are "Pro-Choice" and see nothing wrong with this. They say it is a "woman's right" to have an abortion. The fact that this child was conceived was no fault of its own. A lot of people may say this is a matter of the law, and since the law allows it, it is OK. I want to discuss that.

Romans 13 tells us to submit to authorities. Romans 13:1 says, "Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God." I am not denying the fact that government has been instituted by God, but as my pastor said in a sermon on Romans 13, there are both godly and ungodly government. A government that endorses murder is definitely not a godly government.

What would you say of the Nazi Germany government? They endorsed and executed the murders of millions of Jews and others.

I have linked Planned Parenthood to Nazi Germany before and have taken heat for it. I posted this status on my Facebook profile after attending the Komen Race For the Cure in Cleveland with my cross: "20,000 people saw the cross yesterday at Komen Race for the Cure. Supporting Komen (who gives money to Planned Parenthood) is like supporting Nazi Germany for their revitalization of the German economy in the 1930's." I stand by that comparison.

I do have an issue with Planned Parenthood. Others have pointed out to me that Planned Parenthood provides other services besides abortions. Yes, that is true. Hitler also revitalized the German economy and put many people back to work and made Germany into a military powerhouse. Should Hitler be commended for that?

This argument reminds me of witnessing to people who think their good deeds outweigh their bad deeds and that will earn them their salvation. In light of the above example, do you see how faulty that argument is? A lot of people say Planned Parenthood does a lot of good. Some will say that about Hitler, also.

A government should govern according to God's Word. That includes making laws that prohibit the murder of unborn babies. That being said, obviously not all the laws instituted by a government (and subsequent rights granted by) comply with God's will. Just because the government gives you the right to fornicate outside of marriage and have an abortion doesn't make it right.

A prime example is Roe Vs. Wade (which legalized abortion). You may say, "I don't believe in God- don't push your agenda on me." It doesn't matter- God exists, whether or not you want to believe it. That doesn't change the fact that you will ultimately face Him on Judgment Day and stand accountable to Him.

You may say a woman has a right to her own body. To this I say everything we have has been given to us by God. You don't have a "right" to do whatever you want. You may think you do, but you don't. All your actions should bring honor, praise and glory to the Lord.

There are a lot of "rights" given to me by this country that contradict God's laws. Fornication (a major reason abortions are taking place) is a prime example. Again, you may say you don't believe in God and don't push my agenda on you. It doesn't matter- He still exists.

You may say that this baby will be born unwanted. That is not the baby's fault- that is a result of your sinful nature to break God's laws. The Bible calls us to repent of our sins and place our trust in Jesus Christ. Had you been practicing repentance as the Bible calls us to, you wouldn't have been in the situation to begin with.

Jeremiah 1:5 says, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you." Even if you have had an abortion, God wants you to repent and trust in Jesus as His Savior. Jesus said in Luke 5:32, "I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance."

We are all sinners and have broken God's laws. We have all told lies, stolen, used the Lord's name in vain, looked with lust (which Jesus says is adultery in the heart), hated one another (which Jesus says is murder in the heart) and we will all stand guilty before God on Judgment Day and He would rightly sentence us to Hell for all of eternity- but God loved you so much that He sent His One and only Son into this world to die on the cross for your sins, your transgressions. Jesus paid the penalty for your sins in His life's blood. The Bible tells us we must repent of our sins and place our trust in Jesus to be saved. If you haven't done that, I plead with you, please make today the day you do.

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