Friday, October 30, 2009

A Pastor and a Catholic Teen - 10/30/09

Today I went to the intersection of Dover Center and Lorain in North Olmsted. I arrived at 2:45 and stayed until 5:00. It was in the low 70's today and I really think this is it for the warm weather. After a short while, a man came up and said he wanted to extend his blessing to me, "For standing on the battlefield, for the kingdom of God."

I really appreciate when I get people who stop and give throw their support behind the cross. His name was Dennis and he pastors a local church that gathers in the west side of Cleveland. I showed him a Way of the Master tract and went through a quick law and gospel presentation to show him how I evangelize.

Dennis asked me if I met anyone from Islam or a Jew yet, and I said I had not. He told me Jews are interesting because they are God's people, but they don't think they need to receive Christ. His timing was impeccable, as I encountered a teenager shortly thereafter who said he was Jewish.

I told Dennis about how I just had a Bible study on that in Romans 2:26-29, about how the Jews' circumcision is regarded as uncircumcision if they fail to keep the Law. He told me he can only imagine what Jesus went through in His day.

A little later, I had a group of three male teens walk by and the cross caught one of their attentions. He told me he was Catholic and pulled a gold chain of a cross out from underneath his shirt to expose it. I asked him if he knew any of the commandments. He mentioned, "Don't disrespect your parents. Don't kill." Either him or his friend mentioned "Love thy neighbor."

I asked him, "Let me ask you this- do you think you've kept the Ten Commandments?" He said, "No, because I don't know the rest. What are all of them?"

I proceed to go through the first seven and when I got to the seventh (adultery), he said he had never broken that. I asked him, "Well, have you looked at a woman with lust, sexual desire?"


I say, "Jesus says if you look with lust, you've committed adultery in the heart. Have you ever called someone a fool or an idiot?"


I say, "Jesus says you are liable to judgment."

"Well, that's not my fault."

I say, "It's not your fault? Who's fault is it?"

"I dunno..."

I gave him a tract and told him to read the backside of it. "I have a question. Doesn't it say in the Bible God is going to forgive you for all your sins?"

I told him, "God is a forgiving God, and He will forgive you of your sins, but do you know what you must do for God's forgiveness to apply to you? It doesn't just apply."

"You have to pray."

I ask, "Pray?"

"Yea, and try to follow His commandments."

I say, "But none of us have kept His commandments. We've all broken them. Have you kept them?"


I say, "OK, neither have I. That leaves us guilty. God should send us to hell because we've broken His commandments."

"That's why we pray for forgiveness."

I ask, "But how does that forgiveness apply? Does He just grant it willingly?"

"No... we sacrifice ourselves, right?" His friends were starting to distract him a bit at this point.

I ask, "Do you understand why Jesus died on the cross?"

"To forgive us of our sins."

I explained the necessity of repentance to him to have the forgiveness of sins. I asked him if he had ever heard the word repent in church, and he said he hadn't. He told me he had gone to a Bible school and how he had to memorize certain prayers for his first communion. At this point, he and his two friends walked away.

I handed out 3 tracts today.

1 comment:

  1. amen bro....i trust that what u spoke with tha that young man will comback to him....grace and peace.
