Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Why I Am Opposed to Hate Crimes Legislation

Today, President Obama signed into law an expansion of hate crimes legislation. The AP reports, "The new law expands federal hate crimes to include those committed against people because of gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability. It also loosens limits on when federal law enforcement can intervene and prosecute crimes, amounting to the biggest expansion of the civil-rights era law in decades."

Let's consider this when dealing with speech condemning homosexuality.

On the surface, this law may sound like nothing to worry about, but this is the first step towards limiting free speech. Read on in the article: "We must stand against crimes that are meant not only to break bones, but to break spirits; not only to inflict harm, but to instill fear," Obama said.

"Not only break bones, but break spirits?" If we speak out against homosexuality, aren't we going to be breaking people's spirits?

"Not only inflict harm, but instill fear?" Aren't we instilling the fear of God by telling people homosexuality is a sin and they need to repent? The writing is on the wall.

The article continues: "At the urging of Republicans, the bill was changed before it was passed in Congress to strengthen free speech protections to assure that a religious leader or any other person cannot be prosecuted on the basis of his or her speech, beliefs or association."

While this may be true for now- we have a president who speaks of people's "spirits" being broken. Doesn't this sound like we are going to be arrested for hurting someone's feelings?


  1. Great point. As I'm reading this, I also wonder how this will affect how we discipline our children. How many teenagers would say their wild spirits have been broken as well. This is going to get messy...

  2. What if I say this law breaks my spirits? Give me a break!
